Exploration Fashion Hosted by: Athoril_

Blaine County Cycle Cruise

Get off your MK II, leave your Sparrow. Stop pretending that you work for the Postal Service and get yourself a shiny new Scorcher bicycle. Athoril_ invites you for a nice and slow cruise with your fellow HALPers into the wild of Blaine County. This event is brought to you by the Government of San Andreas Health Department. Pedal and enjoy the sights!


1. No PvP, this is a cruise event.

2. No weapons (Flare, Flare Gun and Fireworks are allowed once we are on top of Chiliad).

3. The mechanic won’t deliver your bicycle, so do be extra careful.


1. Steal (or buy for GTA$2000 from Pedal and Metal Cycles) a Scorcher for yourself.

2. Come with a parachute in your stash.

Event Itinerary:

1. Join Friends-Only Session on Athoril_ 20 minutes before the event and meet outside the Cocaine factory at Alamo Sea.

2. We head out from there and explore.
