Car Meet Exploration Fashion Rally Hosted by: RomanBrandt84

The Canis Cruise - Instance #1

Welcome to the first instance of The Canis Cruise! Pack your bags and we'll head to Senora National Park to start our adventure through the landscape of San Andreas. This is our first brand-themed cruise, possibly with more to come. We've got a few trails to explore, with stops for food and gas on the way.


1. REQUIRED: Upgrade, customize, and tweak a vehicle from this list however you want, and feel free to create multiple to change between during the cruise. We’ll have a few chances to do so.

Warning: The bonus vehicle is not really designed for challenging trails, bring it at your own risk! LOL

MesaFREEThe streets
Merryweather Mesa$87,000Warstock
Seminole Frontier$678,000SSASA
BONUS VEHICLE: Vapid Winky$1,100,000Warstock

2. OPTIONAL: Prep a hiking/camping/outdoor outfit.

Create an outfit for our journey. We’ll be seeing a little bit of water, some dirty driving conditions, and a small bit of hiking. Wear comfortable shoes. All stores and locations that sell clothing and accessories are allowed.

Event Itinerary

1. Join on RomanBrandt84 at the time of the event.

2. We’ll meet up at the circular parking lot at Senora National Park, where we’ll have our first photo opportunity while we wait for everyone to arrive.

3. We’ll head into the park and explore the trails there, taking in the sights of Senora and hitting a few important lookout points. There’s a lot of beauty here, and opportunities to attempt a rock crawl.

4. After that, we’ll head to Harmony for the chance to repair our vehicles at LSC, followed by a much-needed trip through the Mexican drive-thru.

5. From there, we’ll head to Raton Canyon for some more challenging trails, including another climb opportunity and making our way up into the mountains.

6. Then, we’ll continue along the well-known trail up Chiliad to take pictures, hang out, and watch the sun rise/set depending on when we get there.

7. Finally, we’ll head down to the highway for a trip to refuel, unwind, and get some Bishop’s at the Tatavium Truckstop. From there, we’ll say goodbye and head back to our homes and apartments around the map.


1. Be respectful of others.

2. No PvP. Accidents happen, but there should be no intentional blowing up/shooting of other players or their property.

3. No modding/glitching please.

4. Come prepared to take in the sights and see what your fellow HALPers come up with!
