Car Meet Race Hosted by: El27Barto

ElBarto's SLK Quasar (Track Rat Race)

SLK Quasar by Silkie

Join El27Barto for this competitive, potentially Track Rat earning race. 2 laps of non-contact qualifying, 10 laps of racing. We’ll line up according to our best lap times before the race starts.


Required: Buy yourself a car from the list. Track Rats are limited to the Adder and Entity XXR.

CarPriceSiteTop SpeedBroughy Lap Time
Entity XXR$2,305,000LM1281:03.831

Event Itinerary

1. Join Friends-Only Session on El27Barto at the time of the event. 15 minutes after the event start time, the race will begin. Send El27Barto a friend request if you wanna join.

2. We will race on the track SLK Quasar by Silkie. 2 laps of non-contact qualifying, 10 laps of racing. We’ll line up according to our best lap times before the race starts.


1. Clean racing - Be careful, respect other racers, don’t crash into anyone on purpose.

2. Track Rats are handicapped to the Adder and Entity XXR, so only the winner is eligible to earn Track Rat.

3. Everyone will be required to limit their FPS to 60.

4. Don’t use weapons.

5. If you need to respawn, please do it somewhere off the track.
