Car Meet Fashion Race Hosted by: YG1231

Fränken Stange Party - HALP Halloween 2021

Halloween themed Fränken Stange (available at SSSA $550,000) car meet and a few short races with it afterwards. Buy a Fränken Stange from Southern San Andreas Super Autos, upgrade and customise it however you wish. After joining friends only session go to carmeet location at El Burro Heights.

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Necessary: Buy (if you don’t have one already), upgrade and customise an Albany Fränken Stange available from SSSA

Optional but encouraged: Prep a costume that fits your Fränken Stange color scheme. All retail locations are allowed, including the Casino store, Vespucci Beach mask store, and the LS Car Meet clothing truck.

Event Itinerary

1. Join the Friends-Only Session on YG1231 (send a friend request if we’re not friends) up to 15 minutes prior to the event start time and meet up at the El Burro Heights. Join on YG1231 .

2. Showcase your Fränken Stanges while Festival Bus will take care of your music needs.

3. Get in line we are going racing! Impromptu race to Vespucci Beach mask store follows. (The fastest to get to the Mask Store can use the time waiting on others to get to Vespucci Beach to buy a new scary halloween mask)

4. After gathering again at Vespucci Beach, the host will start a playlist with a couple of short races and a SURPRISE. Thanks for attending!


1. Be respectful to others, no smashing cars etc.

2. Consider all your weapons except for flashlight locked. No PvP (event wil be recorded so don’t try to get away with it). Don’t be a dick to others rule is in effect, incidents will be reported.

3. If you get cops (you shouldn’t), get away from others and lose them by either calling Lester, register as CEO and bribe them.

4. Must use Fränken Stange in all races in which rules are relaxed, clean driving is still encouraged but if accident happened there is no need to wait for the other driver. Don’t abuse this please.
