Gfred Race Hosted by: X4RN4UDx

Gfred (Traditional)



The goal is to cross the finish line as fast as possible while adhering to the rules outlined below.

Event Itinerary

1. Join on x4RN4UDx at the time of the event

2. Race!


There are two rulesets, Open and Traditional. Open rules have the intention of allowing freedom and the ability to think creatively to complete the course quickest, especially for speedrunners. Traditional rules aim to preserve the original intent of the race and level the playing field, to have participants rely on their driving skills more than anything else.

Open Ruleset

  1. No killing/hitting/impeding anyone else.
  2. Must complete the course without help from any other player.
  3. Traffic spawned cars only (no bikes/quads/planes, etc).
  4. If you accidentally kill someone you must wait for them.
  5. If you die on the freeway you may use your cycle to get back there.
  6. For PC records the game must be locked to 60fps.

Traditional Ruleset

  1. No weapon usage at all (including selection wheel).
  2. No killing/hitting/impeding anyone else.
  3. Must complete the course without help from any other player.
  4. Must get first car on the freeway.
  5. Must drive unaided using only throttle, brake and steering.
  6. Traffic spawned cars only (no bikes/quads/planes, etc).
  7. If you accidentally kill someone you must wait for them.
  8. If you die on the freeway you may use your cycle to get back there.
  9. For PC records the game must be locked to 60fps.
  10. [Snowfred only] Infernus, 9F & Sultan are banned.
