Car Meet Exploration Fashion Hosted by: RomanBrandt84

Los Santos Paranormal Investigators, Inc - Instance #1

artistic splash

There's some weird shit happening around this city, and we're going to investigate it. What's going on and why? Where do these things occur? What does it all mean? Let's find out in the first instance of this event!


Required: prep a vehicle. There’s no official list, but it must be a land vehicle, preferably not weaponized (if your vehicle has weapons, please don’t use them). Hearses, SUVs, Benny’s vehicles, Halloween vehicles, and Arena vehicles are encouraged but not required. Utilize paint colors, light kits, headlight colors, tire smoke etc. to make your vehicle fit for a night of scares and UFO abductions.

Required: prep a costume for the costume party. You can create whatever you want! All stores that sell clothing and masks are okay to use.

Optional: prep an outfit for investigating the ghastly activities of Los Santos.

Event Itinerary

1. Join on RomanBrandt84 . Meet at the Music Locker for a costume party! Take in the sights and see what everyone comes up with.

2. We’ll travel to Vinewood Cemetery before searching the map for UFOs and other scary stuff. Will we be abducted and meet the aliens? Or will be find out what’s happening in our city and fight back? That’s up to you, fellow HALPers. It’s kind of a choose-our-own-adventure sort of thing!

3. Either way, we’ll have a great time, because we’ll be there together. Stick around after the cruise to join Grace_Nam_KR for Slashers and some other Halloween themed adversaries to celebrate the spookiness of the season. It should be a great time!

4. A huge thank you to Grace_Nam_KR for collaborating with me for this event. I think between the two of us, there will absolutely be something for everyone this year!

NOTE We’ll be driving highway speed for the most part, and trying to keep pace with traffic and obeying traffic rules. Feel free to practice on your own to get a feel for it, because most of us don’t usually drive this way in game. It takes some getting used to.


1. No weapons, no cops, no fire dept please.

2. Do not purposely damage another HALPer’s vehicle.

3. No PvP. Acidents happen, especially when driving, but try to keep it to a minimum.

4. No modding.

5. Be ready to have fun!
