Car Meet Fashion Hosted by: RomanBrandt84

Neons Underground: Burnout Los Santos - Instance #2

Neons Underground: Burnout Los Santos

Join Romanbrandt84 for a car meet that puts HALP car culture front and center. Get to know your fellow HALPers and see some amazing rides. Tucked away in a hidden underground garage, the Neons Underground series is back. Get your cars ready!


REQUIRED: Install a neon kit on your chosen vehicle at LSC, the Arena Workshop, or any other vehicle workshop you may own. That’s the only requirement! Make your car stand out with a cool paint job, window tint, spoilers, colored tire smoke, etc.

OPTIONAL: Create a neons-themed outfit for the event! Get creative. Feel free to create an outfit for each car swap, or create a single outfit that goes with everything.

OPTIONAL: If you have the time and resources, feel free to create multiple vehicles for this event!

OPTIONAL: You can even create separate outfits for the dance party and tower jump! It’s entirely up to you.

Event Itinerary

1. Send RomanBrandt84 a friend request and join him on a friend session up to 30 minutes before the event.

2. Meet up at The Music Locker for a short dance party while everyone loads in. This is also the perfect time to finish prepping your vehicles!

3. Host will guide guests to the location, as it can be difficult to find the first time.

4. Park in the garage and show off your ride! Walk around, drive around, etc. and check out the other vehicles. Chat up your fellow HALPers! Swap out vehicles as many times as you want.

5. We’ll end with a neon kit tower jump featuring Harold the and Howard, the indestructable blue Blistas! Can your car survive the jump? Get cargobobbed to the top of Maze Bank Tower to join Harold and Howard and find out!


1. Be respectful of others.

2. No PvP. Accidents happen, but there should be no intentional blowing up/shooting of other players or their property.

3. No modding/glitching please.

4. Come prepared to take in the sights and see what your fellow HALPers come up with!
