Car Meet Exploration Fashion Hosted by: Athoril_

Poker Face: A Playing Card Collecting Adventure

What would you do for an old friend? But more importantly what are you willing to do for a lot of money? Let's give Mr. Duggan another headache and do so in style using the High Roller outfit. We will go around as a group to collect all 54 playing cards.

Event Itinerary:

1. Join Friends-Only session on Athoril_ . The session will be created 15 minutes before the start of the event.

2. We meet at the Los Santos International Airport.

3. Starting from LSIA we go around the map gathering Playing Cards, there are 54 in total.

4. While in the city we go around using the Barracks, but later on we will switch to Motorcycles where the terrain or distance would hinder the trucks. (you can bring any of your bikes!)


1. PvP is not allowed.

2. Attracting the police is not allowed, which means no weapon usage while using the Barracks (if you still manage to do it, call Lester or use Bribe Authorities)

3. If you truly want the law chasing after you, you can do it in the second stage of the event when everyone is on a different motorcycle.
