Race Hosted by: Makafelki

Race Through the Decades: A Hand Crafted Race Series - #2 (Updated)

All tracks have been tweaked following last week's event observations, and the new car track will be available. The car-based tracks perform better at lower capacity, so this event will be hosted with simultaneous divisions separated by driver skill self-assesment, with a maximum of 8 racers per division. It will be a more competitive environment for all groups. Players that haven't driven in the previous event should look briefly at the track layouts. They’re designed around the fact that they should reward skills, and not the car’s max speed. They utilize less-than-obvious layouts, yet are still instinctive to drive. Personal vehicles are allowed in street races, however, no perfomance upgrades beyond brakes are allowed. Some new vehicles are allowed, see the full Event Itinerary for the full car list and send your division choice to Makafelki!

Event Itinerary

1. Join Fitz’s session and meet near the Los Santos Port 30 minutes prior to the start of the event and send a Social Club friend request to Makafelki .

2. Since races will be held in divisions, participants must give note of their skill from 1-5 (five being top) and send RSC message to Makafelki prior the event with their self-evaluation.

3. Once enough racers have arrived, we will race. We will split into appropriately sized and skilled divisions of up to 8 maximum.


Race Playlists: (12 tracks total)

· Mac’s 90s; 5 tracks; 1-8 drivers per track. See division placement instructions above.

Penumbra FFYes
Elegy Retro CustomYes
Sultan ClassicYes
Calico GTFYes, NEW
ZR-350Yes, NEW
RemusYes, NEW
RT3000Yes, NEW
Futo GTXYes, NEW
PrevionYes, if available in time
Sultan RS ClassicYes, if available in time

· Mac’s Raveyards; 7 tracks; they are short, full of corners, and perfect for the Sanchez or other dirtbikes in the industrial parts of the city. 1-16 drivers per track.


1. Fair play, be aware of others’ racing lines and avoid car to car contact.

2. Personal vehicles are allowed in street races, however, ONLY BRAKE UPGRADES ALLOWED. No perfomance upgrades beyond brakes.
