Welcome to HALP's Multi-Class Racing #2. The race is divided in 2 classes: GT1 and GT2. GT1 class cars are generally a bit faster pace-wise compared to GT2. You can team up with another HALPer to form a pair/racing team so each one of you is in a different class. You can declare custom Team Title and Team Colours/Liveries before the event. If you don't have a teammate, you'll be assigned one from the other class. In the end there will be 3 standings, one for GT1 Class, one for GT2 class and finally one for the Teams/Pairs which will be the sum of the points of the 2 HALPers in each class. You are racing the cars in your class and your final points depend only on your in-class finishing position, not overall position.
For registering a team pair/custom colours/liveries etc you can DM YG1231 or post it in the halp-events channel.

Required: Buy yourself a car from the following list. If you are a GT1 driver, you only have one car to choose from. If you are a GT2 driver, you have free choice between cars, as they are equal pace.
Class | Car | Price |
GT1 | Dewabauchee Vagner | $1,535,000 |
GT2 | Pegassi Zorrusso | $1,925,000 |
GT2 | Grotti Visione | $2,250,000 |
GT2 | Pegassi Osiris | $1,950,000 |