Car Meet Exploration Fashion Hosted by: RomanBrandt84

Surfer Cruise with Roman - #1

BF Surfer Cruise with RomanBrandt84 This is instance 1 / 2. There are two instances of this event. If you are unable to attend one, you are welcome to attend the other. You are welcome to participate in both!

Ayyyyyyy welcome to the Surfer Cruise! Bring a BF Surfer and let's meet up at a couple local spots.

Event Itinerary

1. Join the friends only session on RomanBrandt84 up to 30 minutes before the start. Roman will be at the first meeting spot when you load in, so just go to that location when you’re ready. We’ll hang out while we wait for everyone to join. Prepare for about 20 minutes of people joining. Anyone after that will find us on the way!

2. We’ll cruise, stopping at a drive thru and hitting the beach, etc.

3. This is a slow cruise, so expect to take your time and admire the city.

4. If we have time, we’ll hang out for a bit at the Music Locker after.


1. Standard drivetrain (engine, transmission, turbo, brakes not upgraded. Anything else is fine. You must SUFFER LOL!)

2. No PvP (Accidents happen)

3. All driving will be realistic (stopping at lights, stop signs, etc. while in town, reasonable pace on the beach.)

4. BF Surfer ONLY. Both regular and beater models are allowed. See this wiki page for info on the BF Surfer, including spawn locations. This means no helicopters, avengers, planes or other vehicles.


Required: Steal or purchase a BF Surfer. In the past there have been pop-up lots filled with the exact vehicle needed for this kind of thing :smile: Not sure if this is still a thing, but keep an eye out! The BF Surfer can also be purchased on Southern San Andreas Super Autos for $11,000. (Also keep in mind, even though this is a 4 door vehicle, it is apparently only a 2 person vehicle. Rockstar logic.) Both regular and beater models are allowed.

Optional: Create an outfit for the event. Beach, hippie, hipster, or summer themed. Go crazy, peeps!
