Car Meet Fashion 💀 PvP 💀 Race Hosted by: YG1231

YG's Winter Shenanigans

Winter shenanigans in Los Santos


Optional: Prepare your favourite car(s) for the car meet portion of the event before the playlist.

Optional: Have a festive themed outfit made

Event Itinerary

1. Car Meet and Cruise: Join YG1231 up to 15 min prior to event start time and bring your favourite snow vehicle(s) to show off at the Diamond Casino parking lot. Additional instructions for the cruise around LS will follow. Send SC friend request if not friends already.

2. Snow-themed Playlist: It consists of winter themed races/adv modes/captures there will be something for everyone.

3. Snowball Fight: We will go to Vespucci Beach and press G or â—€ (left dpad) to pick up snow for a snowball fight.


1. While the last part of this event is PvP oriented, other parts aren’t, unless it’s explicitly stated before starting the playlist job.

2. Act according to crew rules. Depending on severity, incidents will be reported.

3. Don’t be a dick rule is in effect even if not explicitly stated.
