• Roles

  • Head of Influence
  • Head of Support
  • Officer
  • Earnable Roles:

  • Head of Activities
  • Pixel Gang
  • Track Rat 🏁
  • Big Donators are members of HALP who have directly contributed funds to the Officers via PayPal or via our Patreon.

    How to earn:

    You can earn this role and associated seafoam green colour by donating to the HALP Officer Team as a HALP member. Reach out to RedCamaroSS on Discord for details.


    There is no obligation for members to donate, and we offer this role as a token of gratitude for those who contribute directly to us. This role is sorted separately from other categories and is shown near the top of the roles list. We are a voluntary team from across the globe working day and night to provide services for our community, and receiving monetary contributions keeps the lights on, the servers cool, and the packets flowing. If you are considering becoming a Big Donator, thank you!

  • Lil Donator
  • Socialite
  • HALP Member