• Roles

  • Head of Influence
  • Head of Support
  • Officer
  • Earnable Roles:

  • Head of Activities/HOA, aka Event Host, or sometimes colloquially Head of Events/HOE, is a temporary role granted to HALP members who can provide sufficient proof to the Officers that they have the wherewithal to host an Official HALP Crew Event.

    How to earn:

    If you have an idea for an Official HALP Crew Event as a HALP Member, you may be granted Head of Activties by an Officer or above so that you can coordinate your event. We can support gta-based, or non-gta events, but HALPers will only earn the Socialite role for gta-based events. If you provide some information about your event to Ms. Baker., your event can be shown in several places:

     • Post-Event duties After your event, you are responsible for posting the names of new socialites and the official post-event text that is pinned in the #halp-events channel.

    The minimum required information to host an event is as follows:

    Title The name of your event.

    Time/Date (It is preferred to give the event time in UTC, or an offset, e.g. UTC-5) This is when your event takes place. The best way to get a decent turnout is to choose a date that is a few days minimum in the future, and then advertise your upcoming event in the #halp-events channel so that people are aware of the date, time, and premise.

    Duration (e.g. 1.5 hours or 5400 seconds) You must also have a duration, so people know how long your event will last. Your event will be added to the Calendar Feed for the duration specified and this value will be shown with your event on the site.

    Description This should be 1-2 sentences minimum of what the event is. Shown in bot.

    Objective This is how to participate in your event or win.

    Location This is where your event takes place. (e.g. “Join the Friends-Only session on gritz_ at the time of the event and meet at the Diamond Casino”). If this is a non-gta event please provide detailed instructions on how to join. Shown in bot.

    Optional things See previous events for examples of what can be included. Some examples include:

    image(s) (a 720p+ banner image is highly recommended)
    event itinerary
    any other preps
    tags (e.g. “PvP”, “Car Meet”, “Race”, etc.)
    detailed rules
    required vehicles or other info
    tables with stats or info

  • Pixel Gang
  • Track Rat 🏁
  • Big Donator
  • Lil Donator
  • Socialite
  • HALP Member